
Brain.com 2007-10-02)職務內容分為三種:一是說明目前的職務,描述工作性質和日常(usually)職責。二是說明目前工作上正在進行(at the moment)的業務,例如此時此刻正在執行的案子。這時要稍微謹慎一些,避免說出太多目前任職公司正在進行的業務,不過描述自己帶領團隊的方式是可以的,或者強調自己在目前的案子中如何運用才幹也可以。三則是談論過去(in the past)工作上的職責。現在我們就來看看職場新手Kevin和職場老手Daisy如何說明職務內容吧。

Interviewer:Do you work well under pressure?


Kevin:Sorry, I don't follow you.

凱 文:抱歉,我沒聽懂你的問題。

Interviewer:Can you cope with stress and pressure if things get extremely busy?


Kevin:Well, I think I can manage pressure. For example, I started working for Campho before the end of the semester, so I was still studying for my final exams. I managed to get good grades on my exams and learned all about the new job, the products, the customers, and so on. I also had to handle a big order right from the beginning. So, yes, I think I'm used to pressure.

凱 文:嗯,我覺得我可以應付壓力。舉例來說,我是在學期末開始在 Campho上班,所以當時還在準備期末考。我考試還是取得了好成績,同時也全面了解了新工作、產品、客戶等。我從一開始就必須處理大宗訂單。所以我覺得我很適應壓力。

Interviewer:Do you consider yourself successful?


Daisy:Well it depends what you mean by successful, doesn't it? I'm good at my job and I think I'm an asset to anyone that hires me. For instance, in my current job, I'm looking after three major clients. I'm leading a team of eight people, and I've been assigned to train the new intake on client management. So I think I'm good at what I do. And I enjoy it. I think that probably makes me successful, right?

黛 西:這得看你對成功的定義是什麼而定,不是嗎?我對自己的工作很在行,也覺得自己對任何雇主來說都是一項資產。舉例而言,在現在的工作中我管理三個重要客戶,而且既是一個八人小組的組長,也被指派負責訓練新人客戶管理。所以我覺得對自己的工作很在行,而且樂在其中,我覺得這大概就算是成功的,是嗎?

Interviewer:What are your career aims?


Kevin:Well, first I'd like to get some experience from the real work world. Let's put it this way: I know that my experience is only limited to vacation jobs, and although I've done quite well so far, I want the chance to develop something a bit more permanent and long-term. I mean, what I'd like to do is get to a mid-level management position as soon as possible.

凱 文:嗯,我希望先得到職場上真實世界的一些經驗。這麼說吧,我知道我的經驗只限於放假打工,雖然目前為止我做的還不錯,我希望有機會建立更永久和長期的工作經驗。我的意思是說,我是想盡快做到中級主管的職位。

Interviewer:What are you looking for in a new job?


Daisy:Yes, good question. Umm, well, I'm looking for a new challenge. I've had quite a good career so far, things have worked out well, and I've learned a lot. However, I still want to learn more. Let me rephrase what I just said. I'm hoping to fill the gaps in my experience. For example, I'm hoping to get a position with more strategic responsibility.

黛 西:是的,好問題。呃,我希望有新的挑戰。目前為止我已經擁有不錯的事業,一切都滿順利的,也學到了很多,但是我還是想再多學一點。我換個方式說吧。我希望填補空白的經驗。例如,我想負責策略性比較高的職位。