
(Brain.com 2007-09-27)求職信的用途,除了將履歷表中的部分資訊加以詳述,輔助說明之外,還有補充履歷表的重要細節,以凸顯生涯和經驗中特定部分的功能。此外,求職信尚有另一個用途,那就是向對方展現自己的英文寫作能力,讓對方藉此判斷你的用字遣詞是否精準、段落組織是否簡潔,以及資訊呈現是否明確。現在我們就來看看職場新手Kevin和職場老手Daisy如何撰寫他們求職信中的目前狀況吧。

I have recently worked as a marketing assistant for Taipei 101 as a member of a team of eight responsible for planning and implementing the Taipei 101 anniversary event. This event comprised a booth on the main floor of the mall containing an exhibition about the building, and an inquiry desk for office and retail space rental. I participated in all aspects of the project, from planning to procurement, to setting up and dealing with customer and walk through inquiries. I took care of the design and production of the DM in accordance with the brief from the marketing department, and led a small group responsible for distribution of the DM.
  本人近期內曾經在台北 101 擔任過行銷助理,為一八人小組的一員,負責計畫和執行台北 101 的周年慶活動。此活動在購物中心的主要樓層設有攤位,展示關於大樓的資訊,另設立一諮詢台,回答辦公室和零售商店等出租問題。從計劃、採購、搭建到客戶服務和現場回答問題,本人從頭到尾參與此計劃所有的工作,亦根據行銷部的概要設計和製作 DM,以及帶領一個小團隊負責分發 DM。
For the last two years I have been working as a client service manager and tax consultant with KPGM. My present position mainly involves managing ROC tax affairs in all areas of taxation for three international corporate clients with operations in Taiwan, two of whom are in the IT sector, and one in the pharmaceutical sector. I have been able to achieve average tax savings of 5 percent for all my clients within one year. In addition, I increased tax savings by 25 percent for one client in particular by utilizing loopholes in regional offshore tax regulations. I have been able to develop and maintain excellent relations with the new CFO of one of my clients. This has resulted in increased business for my company.
  在過去二年當中,本人一直在 KPGM 任職客戶服務經理與稅務顧問。目前的職位主要是負責管理三個國際企業客戶在中華民國各各方面的稅務,其中有兩個客戶是在資訊科技領域,另一個是在藥劑領域。本人曾在一年內為所有客戶成功節省了5%的稅。此外亦曾利用地區性海外稅制的漏洞,特別為一個客戶額外節省了二成五的稅。本人與其中一個客戶新上任的首席財務長建立和維持極好的關係,也因此為公司帶來更高的收入。


In the summer of 2006 I worked as a temporary sales clerk for Campho Ltd., a photographic equipment manufacturer and exporter. While at Campho my duties included selling to overseas buyers, demonstrating the equipment and matching new products with existing customers. Among my achievements for Campho were bringing in bulk orders worth NT$6 and NT$9.5 million respectively from two new customers through my contacts as treasurer of my university Photographers Association. I was also responsible for maintaining after sales service, for which I set up and systematized a customer inquiry database to assist in providing a more targeted after-sales service.
In addition to this experience of sales and event management, I am the treasurer of the university Photographers Association. My responsibilities here include the collection of membership dues, budgeting for events and activities, and balancing the club accounts. I have held this position for two years, during which time club revenues have increased by 34 percent.
  在 2006 年夏天,本人曾在 Campho Ltd 擔任臨時售貨員。Campho Ltd 為一家攝影設備製造商和出口商。在 Campho 任職期間,本人職責包括對國外買家銷售產品,以及為現有客戶示範操作和推薦適合的新產品。對 Campho 貢獻包括透過在大學攝影社當財務股長的人脈,為公司帶來兩個新客戶,客戶所下的大宗訂單各為公司帶來價值新台幣 600 和 950 萬元的收入。本人亦負責維持售後服務,為此本人建立了客戶詢問資料庫,並將之系統化以提供更加目標化的售後服務。