



The Exploratory Study of Amoeba Design of Life

吳進生Chin-Sheng Wu,
中華民國變形蟲設計協會 會長/動腦雜誌 發行人

摘 要:





In 1971, Amoeba Design Association indicated “Back to the basics, the rawest founding elements; everything from the visual environment to the contemporary art, ought to be injected with the latest concepts and distinctive cerebrations, to grant them with ever evolving life form.” Guu-Diing Yuan, has also mentioned in “the Study of the Amoeba Academy,”“Especially the establishment of Amoeba Design Association in 1971 has been a milestone in the development of fine art in Taiwan and it can be said to initiate the advancement of fine art in Taiwan since the 1970’s. ”(Guu-Diing Yuan, 2007) The society has stood strong amongst Taiwan‟s design society in the past 37 years. Looking into the future, it is still searching what more it can do for Taiwan‟s design academy.

This study is based on fundamental concept of amoeba design theory, to initiate the ideas and execution of „lifestyle design‟; we are focus on three topics (1) To discuss the relationship between amoeba design and the nature of design. (2) To analyze amoeba design's biological factors; theories and motives behind creative design ideas. (3) To review the influence of amoeba on lifestyle design. The author hope through this study could help other designers come up with more sustainable design concepts, and propel Taiwan‟s design professionalism into a new dimension.

Key words:amoeba;amoeba design;lifestyle designs;sustainability
